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Arthur Miller

Purchase this original watercolor painting and all proceeds go to the Library at the A.J. Williams-Myers African Roots Center—promoting literacy through teaching and learning about the African roots experience, including history and culture, through a dynamic exchange of information, ideas, and creativity.

Original 11x17” watercolor portrait of Ada Bricktop Smith as featured in The Art of the Affair: An Illustrated History of Love, Sex, and Artistic Influence. Framed as shown in alternate images. Comes with a copy of the book signed by the illustrator.

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As he appears in the text:

“After a brief affair in Hollywood in 1951, Arthur Miller and Marilyn Monroe wed in 1956, with Lee Strasberg, her famous acting teacher, giving her away. The relationship began to deteriorate almost immediately, as Arthur was unable to deal with her depression and addictions. In an attempt to help her career, he wrote a serious role for her in The Misfits. It ended up being the last film for both Marilyn and her co-star, Clark Gable. Arthur and Marilyn divorced in 1961, less than two years before her suicide. Arthur’s next play, After the Fall, depicted a tortured relationship that seemed familiar. It was poorly reviewed.”

Read more about The Art of the Affair, by Catherine Lacey and Forsyth Harmon. ︎︎︎