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Elisabeth de Gramont

Purchase this original watercolor painting and all proceeds go to the Library at the A.J. Williams-Myers African Roots Center—promoting literacy through teaching and learning about the African roots experience, including history and culture, through a dynamic exchange of information, ideas, and creativity.

Original 11x17” watercolor portrait of Elisabeth de Gramont as featured in The Art of the Affair: An Illustrated History of Love, Sex, and Artistic Influence. Framed as shown in alternate images. Comes with a copy of the book signed by the illustrator.

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As he appears in the text:

“Natalie Clifford Barney met Élisabeth de Gramont in 1909, the same year that Renée Vivien, another lover, passed away. Natalie was already committed to non-monogamy, or, as Élisabeth later described it, ‘indifferent to everything except the free play of her life.’ The two bonded over astrology and tarot, and, though Élisabeth was married with two children, began a love affair that lasted the rest of their lives.”

Read more about The Art of the Affair, by Catherine Lacey and Forsyth Harmon. ︎︎︎