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Nusch Eluard

Purchase any original watercolor painting and the entire cost will go to Black Women’s Blueprint—providing a blueprint for black liberation through a feminist lens. Black Women’s Blueprint envisions a world where women and girls of African descent are fully empowered and where gender, race and other disparities are erased.

Original 11x17” watercolor portrait of Nusch Eluard as featured in The Art of the Affair: An Illustrated History of Love, Sex, and Artistic Influence. Framed as shown in alternate images. Comes with a copy of the book signed by the illustrator.

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As he appears in the text:

“Man Ray introduced Paul to the future Nusch Éluard, an actress and model recently arrived from Zurich. She made surrealist collages and was fond of wandering the streets of Paris alone, wearing a mask, and she inspired much of Paul’s poetry. In a deck of surrealist-photo playing cards, Man Ray made Nusch the Queen of Clubs.”

Read more about The Art of the Affair, by Catherine Lacey and Forsyth Harmon. ︎︎︎