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Robert Lowell

Purchase any original watercolor painting and the entire cost will go to Black Women’s Blueprint—providing a blueprint for black liberation through a feminist lens. Black Women’s Blueprint envisions a world where women and girls of African descent are fully empowered and where gender, race and other disparities are erased.

Original 18x20” watercolor portrait of Robert Lowell as featured in The Art of the Affair: An Illustrated History of Love, Sex, and Artistic Influence. Unframed. Comes with a copy of the book signed by the illustrator.

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As he appears in the text:

“Elizabeth Hardwick, a formidable critic and author of several acclaimed books, met poet Robert Lowell at the end of his marriage to the Pulitzer Prize–winning writer Jean Stafford. After cementing their relationship at the Yaddo writers’ colony, the two married. Robert embarked on a cycle of infidelity and repentance until he met British writer Caroline Blackwood, also at the end of her second marriage, in 1970. Almost immediately, he moved to London to be with her and began publishing poems that wove in excerpts from pleading letters Elizabeth sent from New York. These were collected in a book called The Dolphin, the nickname Robert had for his new wife.”

Read more about The Art of the Affair, by Catherine Lacey and Forsyth Harmon. ︎︎︎